Accidental Superhero - Full Circle
Afghan Whigs, The - How Do You Burn?
Ahmed, Ilyas - Closer To Stranger
Alder & Ash - Clutched In The Maw of The World
Allred, David - Driving Through the Aftermath of a Storm...
Allred, David - The Beautiful World
Alvarius B/Cerberus Shoal - The Vim and Vigour of Alvarius B and Cerberus Shoal
Ampline/Buffalo Killers - "It Will Evaporate" b/w "Turkey Pete Montana Prison Man"
Archers of Loaf - Reason In Decline
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Worn Copy
astrid & Rachel Grimes - Through The Sparkle
Austerity Program - Bible Songs 1
A Winged Victory For The Sullen - Atomos
Baby Teeth - The Baby Teeth Album
Bachmann, Eric - "Misinformation Age"
Bacior, Robin - Light It Moved Me
Bad Brains - I Against I (Reissue)
Bad Wires - Politics of Attraction
Baker's Basement, The - Down Down Domino
Barlow - In A Stranger's Car (Reissue)
Bass, Jeremy - The Greatest Fire
Bellringer - "Stumble Bum/Triangular Object"
Betten, Jeff – “Learning It As I Go” b/w “Small Doses”
Big|Brave - A Chaos of Flowers
Big Weather - The Lightest Darkness
Bird, Andrew - Inside Problems
Bird, Andrew/Jimbo Mathus - These 13
Bishop, Sir Richard - Oneiric Formulary
Bishop, Sir Richard - Tangier Sessions
Black Heart Procession, The - Amore del Tropico
Black Heart Procession, The - Hearts and Tanks
Black Keys, The - Ohio Players
Boards of Canada - Trans Canada Highway
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - BPB Mix Tape Vol. V
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - "Mindlessness" b/w "Blindlessness"
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Singer's Grave A Sea of Tongues
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Summer In The Southeast
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Purple Bird
Boysetsfire - The Misery Index
Broughton's Rules - Anechoic Horizon
Buckner, Richard - The Hill (Reissue)
Built To Spill - Built To Spilll PlaysThe Music of Daniel Johnston
Callahan, Bill - "If You Could Touch Her At All" b/w "So Long, Marianne"
Callahan, Bill - The Holy Grail: Bill Callahan’s 'Smog' Dec. 10, 2001 Peel Session
Captain Beefheart - Sun Zoom Spark (Box Set)
Casket Lottery, The - Short Songs for End Times
Cerberus Shoal/Guapo - The Ducks and Drakes of Guapo and Cerberus Shoal
Charmparticles - Sit Down for Staying
Cheese, Richard - Aperitif for Destruction
Chenaux, Eric - Slowly Paradise
Chestnutt, Vic, Elf Power and the Amorphous Strums - Dark Developments
Chicken & The Chick Flicks - Too Bad About The Sun
Circles - When The Big River Floods
Cobain, Kurt - Montage of Heck: The Home Recordings
Colorist Orchestra, The & Howe Gelb - Not on The Map
Costello, Andre and The Cool Minors – “Brighter Than Before”
Crover, Dale - The Fickle Finger of Fate
Curtis Eller's American Circus - Another Nice Mess
Curtis Eller's American Circus - A Poison Melody
Curtis Eller's American Circus - How To Make It In Hollywood
Curtis Eller's American Circus - Wirewalkers & Assassins
DANA - Glowing Auras & Black Money
Dazies, The/Courters - Seen a Ghost
Dead Space, The - Chlorine Sleep
Deaf Club - "Bright Side of Death"
Decembers Architects - Apiary Ennui & Curiosas the Brew Shakes
Delgados, The - Universal Audio
Della Penna, Erik - New York Songs
Dessner, Bryce/Australian String Quartet - Impermanence/Disintegration
Dessner, Bryce and Aaron - Cyrano
Deutrom, Mark - Brief Sensuality and Western Violence (Reissue)
Directions - Echoes (Anniversary Edition)
Dish - Ma Raison De Vivre Ton Amour
Dispatch - America, Location 12
Disq - "Communication" b/w "Parallel"
DK Limb - Defy Define Definition
Do Make Say Think - Stubborn Persistent Illusions
Do Make Say Think - Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn
Donato, Daniel - A Young Man's Country
Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem
Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem (II)
Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem (III)
Dunphy, Dw. - "Your Saturday Sins" b/w "There's Nothing Harder Than A Song"
Dunphy, Dw./Jeff Elbel/Randy Kerkman/Dan Pavelich – “Everything Goes To Hell”
Eighteenth & Addison - "Leeches"
Elephant Parallax, The - Loam & Sky
Elephant Parallax, The - "The Conscious"
Elf Power - Walking with the Beggar Boys
El Ten Eleven - New Year's Eve
Endino, Jack - Permanent Fatal Error
Engel, Clara - Dressed In Borrowed Light
Engel, Clara - Hatching Under The Stars
Enigk, Jeremy - Return of the Frog Queen (Reissue)
Eno, Brian - Film Music: 1976-2020
Ergs, The - dorkrockcorkrod (Reissue)
Fair, Jad and Jason Willette - Superfine
Faith No More - We Care A Lot (Reissue)
Fantomas - S/T, The Director's Cut, Suspended Animation (Reissues)
Fantomas - Suspended Animation
Fox Medicine - Procedures Mystique
Frederickson, Christian, Jason Noble and Ryan Rumery - The Painted Bird | Amidst
Frog Eyes - Pickpocket's Locket
From the Mouth of the Sun - Light Caught The Edges
From the Mouth of the Sun - Sleep Stations
Gibby Haynes and His Problem - S/T
Girls Against Boys - House of GVSB: 25th Anniversary Edition
Glad Husbands, The - Safe Places
Glass, Philip - Philip Glass Solo
Glenn Echo - Ellenville Sessions
Gnade, Adam & Planet B - Life Is The Meat Grinder That Sucks In All Things
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Asunder Sweet and Other Distress
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - G_d's Pee AT STATE'S END
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - NO TITLE AS OF 13 FEBRUARY 2024, 28,340 DEAD.
Gotobeds, The - Debt Begins at 30
Gotobeds, The - Definitely Not A Redd Kross EP
Gotobeds, The - Fucking In The Future +5
Graham Costello's STRATA - Obelisk
Greatest Hoax, The - Expiration Compositions
Great Shakes, The - Americana Bebop
Great Shakes, The - In The Ballroom EP
Green Milk from the Planet Orange - City Calls Revolution
Grubbs, David - A Guess at the Riddle
Grubbs, David - October 19, 2017
Grubbs, David/Loren Connors - Arborvitae
Grubbs, David/Taku Unami - Comet Meta
Grubbs, David/Taku Unami - Failed Celestial Creatures
Hacha De Zola, J - Icaro Nouveau
Have Gun, Will Travel - Science From An Easy Chair
Hawgood, Ian - The Shattered Light (Reissue)
Hawk and Dove - Our Childhood Heroes
Heads, The - Under The Stress of a Headlong Dive
Hella - Hold Your Horse Is (Reissue)
Helland, Scott/Guitarmy of One - Spy Detective Collective
Hello Amsterdam - How Are You?
Her Space Holiday - The Young Machines: Remixed
HHY & The Macumbas - Beheaded Totem
Holford, Casey - All Young and Beautiful
Holland, Jolie - Wine Dark Sea
Holt, Randall - Inside the Kingdom of Splendor and Madness
Hurricane Lamps, The - Sing Me a Song
I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - Fear Is On Our Side
INUS - Western Spaghettification
Inventions - Continuous Portrait
Jacob Duncan Quintet - It's Alright To Dream
Jaffe, Sarah - Don't Disconnect
Jaffe, Sarah - Suburban Nature
Joan and The Rivers – Meat Sweats Vol. 1 and 2
John Dellroy Band - "Burning Desire"
Jurado, Damien - Reggae Film Star
Jurado, Damien - The Monster Who Hated Pennsylvania
Kal Marks - Let The Shit House Burn Down
Kasino - Thank You and Goodnight EP
Killer Be Killed - Reluctant Hero
Kilpatrick, Spencer - "You Feel Like Nevada To Me"
King Buzzo w/ Trevor Dunn - Gift of Sacrifice
Kraken Quartet, The - Separate | Migrate
Kronos Quartet - Long Time Passing
Lampshades, The - "Forget Me Not" b/w "Sadly True"
Lazonick, Léah – Movimenti della Luna d’Oro
Legends, The - Up Against The Legends
Les Claypool's Duo De Twang - Four Foot Shack
Less Bells - The Drowned Ground
Lesser Birds of Paradise, The - String of Bees
Lesser Birds of Paradise, The/Jared Grabb - Reading Light
Like A Fox - Where's My Golden Arm?
Locust, The - Safety Second, Body Last
Locust, The - The Peel Sessions (Reissue)
Lonesome Shack - Desert Dreams
Loscil/Lawrence English - Colours of Air
Lying In States - Most Every Night
Man or Astro-man? - ROYGBIV (Recordings From the BBC)
Manta Ray - Torres de Electricidad
Marches, The - 4 a.m. Is The New Midnight
Matmos - The Rose Has Teeth in the Mouth of a Beast
Mawson, Colin - Death of the Ego
McElhiney, Rachael - Apricot Trees
McElhiney, Rachael - I Love It Here
Meeting of Important People - "All Rode Off Together"
Meeting With Hans - Genius Loci
Melvins - A Walk With Love and Death
Melvins - Mangled Demos from 1983
Melvins - Pinkus Abortion Technician
Melvins - The Bulls and The Bees/Electroretard (Reissue)
Memory Drawing - Phantom Lights
Menuck, Efrim Manuel - Pissing Stars
Mico - Outside the Unbearable Grows
Modwheelmood - Enemies & Immigrants
Moginie, Jim - Everything's Gonna Be Fine
Mogwai - As the Love Continues
Moore, Daniel Martin - Stray Age
Mosley, Chuck - Joe Haze Session #2
Mr. Bungle - The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny (Demo)
Mueller, Jon, Bhob Rainey, and Jim Schoenecker - Untitled
Munkus, Daniel - The Edge of the High Trace
Murder For Girls - All The Pretty Stars
Murder for Girls - Done In The Dark
Murray, Lindsay feat. Dw. Dunphy - "Reconsider Me"
Myers-Brooks, Aaron - Conduits
Myers-Brooks, Aaron - Energetic Bursts
Myers-Brooks, Aaron - Multilinear Smatterings
Myers-Brooks, Aaron - Orthrelm Covers
National, The - Sleep Well Beast
National Beekeepers Society - Pawn Shop Etiquette
Nels Cline Singers, The - Share The Wealth
Neutral Milk Hotel - "All The Colors of the Rainbow"
Neutral Milk Hotel - Collected Works
Nice Guys/Black Beach - Split EP
Night Vapor - 1,000 Miles of Mud
Nirvana - In Utero (20th Anniversary Reissue)
Noemienours - As A Beare Doth Her Whelps
Nonagon/Knife The Symphony - "Tuck The Long Tail Under" b/w "Devils II"
Not Your Friends - Constructing A Mental Breakdown
O'Rourke, Jim - Shutting Down Here
Pabst/Autisti - "Exciter" b/w "Dealbreaker"
Pachyderm - I'm Not Happy, I'm Just High
Palmer, Amanda - Forty-Five Degrees: A Bushfire Charity Flash Record
Pan-American - "Kidnap!" b/w "Casino" (Reissue)
Pan-American - The Patience Fader
Papa M - Ballads of Harry Houdini
Parachutes for Gordo - Best Understood By Children and Animals
Park, Shay - I'm Not What You Expect
Patient, The/Breathers - "Extension" b/w "Colony of Taste"
Patton, Mike and Jean-Claude Vannier - Corpse Flower
Peel Dream Magazine - Modern Meta Physic
Peel Dream Magazine - Rose Main Reading Room
Pee-Pee - Castile Jackine Is Vooded at Broonus Mousin: Vol. 1
Perennial - In the Midnight Hour
Phantom Band, The - Checkmate Savage
Phillips, Hangnail - Wit's End
Phillips, Sam - A Boot and A Shoe
Pinataland - Hymns for the Dreadful Night
Pinataland - Songs for the Forgotten Future Vol. 2
Pinataland/Yikes McGee - "Bad President" b/w "Little Know Ye Who's Coming"
Point Juncture, Wa. - Heart to Elk
Pretty Mighty Mighty - Normal EP
Primitive Race - Soul Pretender
Primus - Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People
Psychedelic Horseshit - Who Let The Dogs Out?
Radon Chong - I Keep On Talking To You
Radon Chong - I Keep On Talking To You (II)
Raygun Cowboys – Tales About Life, The Road, and Life on The Road
Reclinerland - The Ideal Home Music Library, Vol. 1
Repp, Corrina - It's Only The Future
Reverend Horton Heat - Spend A Night In The Box (Reissue)
Richman, Adam - Patience and Science
Rolo Tomassi - Where Myth Becomes Memory
Ronderlin - Wave Another Day Goodbye
Sabrina Is Not In This Chat - Not Recommended For Sensitive Skin
Saleeha - Come Wander Through the Pale Dark
Santiago Steps, The - Okay Okay Okay
Santos, Rusty - Outside Versus In
Scary Kids Scaring Kids - The City Sleeps In Flames
Scientifics, The - Future Mothers and Former Babies
Scoville Unit - Everybody Knows
Sea, Like Lead, The/Belegost - S/T
Searcy, Peter - Leave It All Out There
Setzer, Brian - Rockabilly Riot: Vol. One
Seven Fields of Aphelion, The – Keep The Ocean Inside
Sharp, Jason - Stand Above The Streams
Shins, The - Chutes Too Narrow
Shishkin, Alexei - "Pittsburgh"
Skeletons - If The Cat Come Back
Skyscraper Frontier - Moonlit Behavior
Slint - "Breadcrumb Trail" b/w "Good Morning Captain"
Slint - Spiderland: Remastered
Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped (x2)
Spektor, Regina - Soviet Kitsch
Spheruleus - Light Through Open Blinds
Squirrel Nut Zippers - The Lost Songs of Doc Souchon
Stay Lows, The - The Red Budget EP
Stella Research Committee - A Proposed Method for Determining Sanding Fitness
Stevens, Sufjan & Angelo DeAugustine - A Beginner's Mind
Stevens, Sufjan & Lowell Brams - Aporia
Stomatopod - Competing with Hindsight
Sumner, Rachel - Heartless Things
Sumner, Rachel & Traveling Light - S/T
Sun Machine, The - Turn On To Evil
SUZISUZI - Microphone's Counter Attack!!
Talking Book - Talking Book II
Tan or Boil - Seamstress in a Suitcase
Tassa, Dudu and Jonny Greenwood - Jarak Qaribak
Televangelist And The Architect, The - There's a Song in There Somewhere
Those Who Walk Away - The Infected Mass
TJO - The Cool Cloud of Okayness
T-Tops - Staring at a Static Screen
Turbosonics, The - Center of the Sun EP
Turbosonics, The - Tres Gatos Suave
Tuxedomoon - Bardo Hotel Soundtrack
Tyranny of Dave - "Silence In Brooklyn" b/w "All This 4 U"
UBOA - The Origins of My Depression
Ulrich, Stephen - Music from 'This American Life'
Underflow, The - Instant Opaque Evening
Unknown Component - In Direct Communication
Van Wissem, Jozef - Nobody Living Can Ever Make Me Turn Back
Van Wissem, Jozef/SQURL - Only Lovers Left Alive (Reissue)
Various Artists - The Co-Op Communique, Vol. 3
Various Artists - The Co-Op Communique Vol. 4
Various Artists - If You're Frightened of Dying
Various Artists - I Said No Doctors!
Various Artists - Soul is Never Discouraged
Various Artists - The Endless Coloured Way: The Songs of Nick Drake
Various Artists - We Reach: The Music of the Melvins
Waits, Tom - Alice/Blood Money (Reissues)
Waits, Tom - Frank's Wild Years (Reissue)
Waits, Tom - Rain Dogs (Reissue)
Walkmen, The - A Hundred Miles Off
Warm Red - "Big Tiger" b/w "S.A.M."
Watter - History of the Future
Weinroth-Browne, Raphael - Worlds Within
Weinroth-Browne, Raphael - Worlds Within Live
Wrekmeister Harmonies - Flowers in the Spring
Yes Selma - Songs of Happiness
Yorke, Thom - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes
Your Food - Poke It With A Stick (Reissue)
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